Pagamenti a rate Klarna e Pagolight


To pay in installments on our website there are two possibilities:

KLARNA (accepts postepay) 

With klarna you can pay for your order in 3 convenient instalments. The process is simple:

-  Add 1 or more products you want to your cart.

-  Go to the cart or click on confirm order.

-  Enter your shipping information and go to shipping.

-  Choose the type of shipping and go to payment.

-  Select as payment method Clarity pay in 3 rate.

-  Continue the process on the Klarna website. 

PAGOLIGHT (ONLY accepts credit cards, current accounts, debit cards)

With Pagolight you can pay for your order in 6 to 12 convenient installments. The process is simple:

- Add 1 or more products you want to cart.

-  Go to the cart or click on confirm order.

-  Enter your shipping information and go to shipping.

-  Choose the type shipping and go to payment.

-  Select as payment method PAGOLIGHT - pay in installments without interest 

- Continue the process on the Pagolight website.